USB Safely Remove v4.7.1.1153 Final 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(一款支援熱插拔裝置和迅速切斷一個公用的熱插拔裝置的軟體)
USB Safely Remove是一款支援熱插拔裝置和迅速切斷一個公用的熱插拔裝置的軟體。
Version 4.7 final (Released on August 2nd, 2011)
[-] Stopping Menu sometimes shows the same device twice.
[-] There was a problem with starting the USB Safely Remove Assistant
service after the program reinstalling.
[-] There was a problem with starting the USB Safely Remove Assistant
service at the system startup.
[-] The program was raising an exception trying to load a device image
which was damaged or had an unsupported format.
[-] The tray icon was hidden when there are no devices to be stopped
even though the option "Hide icon when there are no devices to be
stopped" was checked.
[-] The Autorun feature. The %PhysicalDeviceName% command line
parameter has got a wrong value.
[-] From the previous version of the program we unexpectedly lost icons
in the menu of the main program window.
[-] The program didn't show any info at the time connecting/ejecting
card reader memory cards.
[+] We added a button for closing the tray information balloon.
The window which provides device icons choosing was significantly
USB Safely Remove v4.1.5.806 Final 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(安全地移除裝置軟體)
USB Safely Remove Final 繁體/簡體中文/英文正式版(直接取代作業系統內建的「安全地移除裝置」功能軟體)
USB Safely Remove v5.1.3.1186 Final 繁體中文正式版(一款支援熱插拔裝置和迅速切斷一個公用的熱插拔裝置的軟體)
USB Safely Remove v5.0.1.1164 Final 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文版(支援熱插拔裝置和迅速切斷一個公用的熱插拔裝置的軟體)
USB Safely Remove v4.5.2.1111 Final 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(安全快速解除USB裝置,取代安全地移除裝置功能軟體)
USB Safely Remove v4.6.2 Build 1142 Final 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(方便快捷的刪除各種USB硬體設備軟體)
USB Safely Remove v4.2.5.879 Final 繁/簡體中文/英文正式版(直接取代作業系統內建的「安全地移除裝置」功能軟體)